"... an essential part of their Spanish phonics program."
"I have witnessed the program implementation for the past twelve years. The kindergarten teachers considered it an essential part of their Spanish phonics program. The majority of the kindergarten students were able to read by the end of the school year because of the structure of the program. The program truly is accelerated because each part builds upon the last and spirals. The visual, auditory and kinesthetic nature of the program tapped into a variety of intelligences and learning modalities and contributed to the majority of the students breaking the code by the end of kinder."
Linda Hardman Greene
Orange County Educational Arts Academy
"It works like magic..."
"It is a fantastic innovative approach to teaching reading in Spanish. It works like magic. The students’ self esteem is enhanced when they discover that they can become readers so easily."
Yolanda Perez
Texas, El Paso ISD

"Parents... Becoming literate along with their children!"
“We have had some wonderful successes with Estrellita. Parents of children using the program are becoming literate along with their children!”
Gail Merrion
Director of ESL and Migrant
Education Programs
Hillsboro School District, OR
"I have had tremendous success using Estrellita® ..."
“I have had tremendous success in the past using Estrellita in the kindergarten classroom where 80% of my students were reading at the early 1st grade level by the end of the school year.”
Kate Day
Bilingual Teacher
Park Elementary School, Hayward USD, CA

"Third grade test scores from six campuses were 100%..."
“Our former Estrellita students who have been transitioned to English are demonstrating excellent performance in the English statewide reading tests. Third grade test scores from six campuses were 100% and 15 campuses were over 70%. I attribute these results to the foundation established by this breakthrough program.”
Linda Jones
Bilingual Director
Odesa County, TX
"Estrellita® is a great program."
"Estrellita is a great program. I taught a 15-year-old student who had never been to school in her life. I taught her how to read in Spanish using Estrellita from September to November and she is reading in Spanish at the beginning of 3rd grade level."
Connie Espinoza Johns
Arizona, Sunnyside Unified School District

"...the majority of my class reading in 8 weeks..."
"Estrellita is a wonderful and successful program. I have been using it for the last 9 years teaching kinder students then moving up to first grade. I am able to have the majority of my class reading in 8 weeks, some students it will take them a little longer. Thanks for such a great program!"
Connie DeLeon
Garden City Public Schools
"The successes my students experienced... phenomenal."
“I am a Bilingual Lead Reading Teacher for Dallas Public School and serve as a facilitator for bilingual teachers in grades K through 3. My experience in kindergarten and first grade as a classroom teacher for seventeen years has been enriched because of your program. The successes my students experienced in reading during the years that I implemented Estrellita were phenomenal.”
Chriselda Dixon
Bilingual Lead Reading Teacher
Dallas Public Schools, TX

"...doing better in English reading than those who had..."
"Estrellita’s influence on students after passage of CA’s Prop 227: “At one school, first graders in the bilingual program did better on English running records than children in structured English programs. First graders in structured English who had bilingual kindergarten are doing better in English reading than those who had English kindergarten. This is due to Estrellita.”
Faye Bohn
Resource English Language
Development Teacher
Redwood City School District, CA
"Kindergarten students reading in Spanish by January..."
“It is with great pleasure that I recommend the Estrellita program. We have been using the program in our schools for the past four years and have seen tremendous results with our bilingual students in kindergarten and first grades. The program components are part of our Benchmark Targets, which are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). I have been able to see kindergarten students reading in Spanish by January, plus see low performing first grade bilingual students become successful readers.”
J.C. Harville
Spring ISD, Houston, TX
Stories from the Heart – El Niño
Estrellita founder, Karen Myer recounts an experience with one student and how Estrellita changed his course.
Stories from the Heart – La Mamá
Estrellita founder, Karen Myer talks about the effect Estrellita has on parents of the children we teach.