¡Bienvenidos A Estrellita®!
Know before you Go!
Click the stars below to find helpful unboxing videos.

Don't Forget to Register
The Estrellita kit that you have received may also include access to the Estrellita Student portal and Estrellita's La Vereda del Profe. Once you have found your registration code use the buttons below to register your accounts.
La Vereda del Profe® Activation Tutorial
Unboxing Estrellita®
Estellita® PreK Sonidos
Estellita® PreK Blending
Estrellita® K1
Estrellita® Lunita®
Estrellita® Escalera®
Estrellita® Fugaces®
Ready for the Next Step?
Use the registration codes provided in your Implementation Checklist or Teacher's Guide to access La Vereda del Profe and the Student Portal