Already using Escalera? Multiple students? View Consumable Student Booklets

Bundle includes student booklet. See materials list below for printed/digital components.
Escalera® (New Arrivals)
Streamlined Curriculum
for non-readers
This streamlined version of Estrellita is designed to instill confidence as students quickly master the laddered/sequential curriculum. For students who already know how to decode, the Escalera curriculum will serve to reinforce decoding skills, build fluency and basic comprehension. Additionally, it will provide a highly-accelerated jumpstart into reading.
This streamlined curriculum is primarily designed for recent arrivals and for children designated as SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education). Although these students have had limited to no formal schooling, their cognitive skills have been developed through their varied life experiences. Therefore, you will find that many of these students will make remarkable gains. The biggest hurdle for these children is not academics, but the low self-confidence they may feel at being behind academically.
Escalera® Teacher Bundle Components
- Teacher's Guide
- Escalera Student Booklet
- Sonidos Iniciales CD (Digital)
- Writing Components:
- Writing Instruction Guide (Digital)
- Sonidos Upper and Lower Case Writing Mats
- Sonidos Lower Case Writing Mats
- Assessment Components:
- Assessment Instruction Guide (Digital)
- Assessment Student Booklet
- Assessment App (iOS/Android)
- Student Portal Instruction Guide (Digital)
- Phoneme and Syllables Mat
- Games and Activities:
- Go Fish with pictures and letters (Sonidos)
- Mi Casa de Oraciones (Blending)
- Member Site - Annual Licenses
Review samples from Escalera®
Student Booklet
Teachers Guide
Assessment Student Booklet
Go Fish with Pictures and Letters
Mi Casa de Oraciones
Review samples from Escalera®
Student Booklet
Teachers Guide
Assessment Student Booklet
Mi Casa de Oraciones

Bundle includes student booklet. See materials list below for printed/digital components.
Estrellita® Fugaces®
Streamlined Curriculum for struggling readers 2nd grade and up
Estrellitas Fugaces is based on Estrellita's decoding methodology and is streamlined for use with older students. This curriculum is intended for struggling readers in 2nd grade and above. These students have proficiency in phonics and phonemic awareness but need additional support in blending with sílabas, palabras, oraciones and cuentos to achieve grade level reading and strong skills sets with vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. This program is intended to be used in an intervention setting and is particularly beneficial if students have been exposed to Estrellita K-1 program in previous grades. Las Estrellitas Fugaces combines the K-1 program with Lunita to provide students with exposure to over 99% of all the sílabas blends in Spanish. Additionally, the curriculum will begin with a short review of all of the Sonidos Iniciales to ensure students have a strong foundation in phonics and phonemic awareness. For students who already know how to decode but who are lacking fluency, it will serve to reinforce decoding skills and build fluency, vocabulary and basic comprehension.
Fugaces® Teacher Bundle Components
- Fugaces Teacher's Guide
- Estrellitas Fugaces Student Booklet
- Phoneme and Syllables Mat
- T-Chart Laminated Mat
- Palabras Spinner
Review samples from Fugaces®
Student Booklet
Teachers Guide
Phoneme Mat
Syllable Mat
T-Chart Mat
Palabras Spinner
Review samples from Fugaces®
Student Booklet
Teachers Guide
Phoneme Mat
Syllables Mat
T-Chart Mat
Palabras Spinner
Escalera Student Materials
Quote or purchase additional student booklets below.
Escalera® Consumables Upgrade
Escalera Consumable Upgrade (Pack of 5)
The Upgrade package includes the consumable Student Booklets as well as an annual license for the Estrellita Student Portal and La Vereda del Profe.
- La Vereda del Profe
Contains a variety of resources, including downloadable content, exclusive supplemental curriculum, training support videos, and teacher submitted questions and best practices.
- Student Portal
The student portal provides access to digital lessons for your students for each of the different curriculum programs. The account provides access for up to 30 students to utilize the curriculum.
The digital lessons can be used during centers, individual time or for home study.
$ 335.00
Fugaces Student Materials
Quote or purchase additional student booklets below.
Fugaces® Consumables
Fugaces Student Bundle (Pack of 5)
Each student booklet is a consumable and includes the following items:
- Sonidos Iniciales Color Chart
- Sonidos Iniciales Segment 12
- Blending Progress Chart (Con a,e,i,o,u)
- Blending Units for Silabas con a, e, i, o, u
- Blending Units for Silabas Mixtas, Inversas, Trabadas and con Diptongo
- Each Silabas Unit contains activities for: Silabas, Palabras, Oraciones and Cuentos
$ 365.00
Fugaces® Consumable Upgrade
Fugaces Consumable Upgrade (Pack of 5)
The Upgrade package includes the consumable Student Booklets as well as an annual license for the Estrellita Student Portal and La Vereda del Profe.
- La Vereda del Profe
Contains a variety of resources, including downloadable content, exclusive supplemental curriculum, training support videos, and teacher submitted questions and best practices.
- Student Portal
The student portal provides access to digital lessons for your students for each of the different curriculum programs. The account provides access for up to 30 students to utilize the curriculum.
The digital lessons can be used during centers, individual time or for home study.