K-1 Games & Activities

ISBN: 978-1-892087-04-1



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Lunita® Juegos y actividades

ISBN: 978-1-961573-10-9



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Games and Activities

The Games and Activities Program is designed to provide practice with all facets of the Sonidos Iniciales and Blending Components of the Estrellita, Intervention and Newcomer programs. It complements the implementation of the Estrellita curriculum in the classroom by giving the students the opportunity to

practice the learned skills with hands-on activities. These engaging games and activities provide the perfect opportunity to create a learning environment in which young children learn through play and experimentation, utilizing all their senses. We've incorporated visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile elements within

this diverse set of games and activities.

The Games and Activities are to be used as an extension of your Estrellita instruction in the classroom. Teachers will use these resources to help differentiate instruction and students will have the chance to work independently, in pairs, or in small groups.

The Games and Activities Program is designed to provide practice with all facets of the Sonidos Iniciales and Blending Components of the Estrellita PreK, K-1, Intervention and Newcomer programs. It complements the implementation of the Estrellita curriculum in the classroom by giving the students the opportunity to practice the learned skills with hands-on activities. These engaging games and activities provide the perfect opportunity to create a learning environment in which young children learn through play and experimentation, utilizing all their senses. We've incorporated visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile elements within this diverse set of games and activities.

The Games and Activities are to be used as an extension of your Estrellita instruction in the classroom. Teachers will use these resources to help differentiate instruction and students will have the chance to work independently, in pairs, or in small groups.

Sonidos Component

  • Lotería de los Dibujos / Picture Bingo
  • I Lotería de los Sonidos Iniciales / Initial Sounds Bingo
  • Estrellas de los Sonidos Iniciales / Beginning Sounds Star Game
  • ¡A pescar! / Go Fish! (with matching pictures and letters)
  • ¡A pescar! / Go Fish! (with letters)
  • El Juego de los Sonidos Iniciales / Board Game with Initial Sounds
  • El Juego de los Dibujos y Sonidos / Board Game with Pictures and Sounds

Blending Component

  • Lotería de las Sílabas / Syllable Bingo
  • Juego de Memoria: Palabras con "a" / Concentration Game: words with "a"
  • Haciendo Palabras con los Gemelos / Building Words with the Gemelos
  • Juego de las Palabras / Board Game with Words
  • Casa de Oraciones / Sentence House

K-1 Games and Activities Samples

Teachers Guide


Picture Bingo

Initial Sounds Bingo

Beginning Sounds Star Game

Go Fish - Picture & Letter Cards

Board Game with Initial Sounds

Teachers Guide


Picture Bingo

Initial Sounds Bingo

Beginning Sounds Star Game

Go Fish - Picture & Letter Cards

Board Game with Initial Sounds

Board Game with Pictures & Sounds

Syllable Bingo

Concentration Game

Building words with Gemelos

Board Game with Words

Sentence House

Board Game with Pictures & Sounds

Syllable Bingo

Concentration Game

Building words with Gemelos

Board Game with Words

Sentence House

Lunita® Games and Activities

Our multisensory games and activities cover all four of the different Sílabas blends in Lunita. We've incorporated visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile elements within this diverse set of games and activities, addressing all learning styles. The Estrellita Games and Activities should be an integral part of your small group instruction and aid in differentiating instruction.

The Estrellita curriculum is accelerated, cumulative, sequential and systematic. Exposure occurs in whole group instruction and mastery occurs in the small group setting. Each of the Estrellita Games and Activities corresponds to particular sections in the curriculum as well as the different Sílabas Blends in Lunita.

For example, there are Silabas, Palabras and Oraciones games for each of the

Sílabas Blends: Mixtas, Inversas, Trabadas, and con Diptongo. As students progress through their Small Groups, these games can be used as supplemental to the Small Group activities contained in the Lunita program.

All of the games include the necessary playing pieces and are color coded for easy identification.

Our multisensory games and activities cover all four of the different Sílabas blends in Lunita. We've incorporated visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile elements within this diverse set of games and activities, addressing all learning styles. The Estrellita Games and Activities should be an integral part of your small group instruction and aid in differentiating instruction.

The Estrellita curriculum is accelerated, cumulative, sequential and systematic. Exposure occurs in whole group instruction and mastery occurs in the small group setting. Each of the Estrellita Games and Activities corresponds to particular sections in the curriculum as well as the different Sílabas Blends in Lunita. For example, there are Silabas, Palabras and Oraciones games for each of the Sílabas Blends: Mixtas, Inversas, Trabadas, and con Diptongo. As students progress through their Small Groups, these games can be used as supplemental the Small Group activities contained in the Lunita program.

All of the games include the necessary playing pieces and are color coded for easy identification.

Lunita® Games & Activities Components


  • Lunita Games and Activities Teacher’s Guide
  • Lotería/Bingo Counters
  • Board Game Pawns
  • Foam Dice

Games & Activities:

  • Lotería de las Sílabas / Syllable Bingo
    • Lotería de las Sílabas / Syllable Bingo
    • Sílabas Inversas
    • Sílabas Trabadas
    • Sílabas con Diptongo
  • Juego de las Palabras / Board Game with Words
    • Palabras: Sílabas Mixtas
    • Palabras: Sílabas Inversas
    • Palabras: Sílabas Trabadas
    • Palabras: Sílabas con Diptongo

Games & Activities:

  • ¡A pescar! / Go Fish! Palabras
    • Palabras: Sílabas Mixtas
    • Palabras: Sílabas Inversas
    • Palabras: Sílabas Trabadas
    • Palabras: Sílabas con Diptongo
  • Casa de Oraciones / Sentence House
    • Oraciones: Sílabas Mixtas
    • Oraciones: Sílabas Inversas/span>
    • Oraciones: Sílabas Trabadas
    • Oraciones: Sílabas con Diptongo

Lunita® Games and Activities Samples

Teacher's Guide


Lotería de las Sílabas

Juego de las Palabras

¡A pescar! / Go Fish! Palabras

Casa de Oraciones

Game Accessories

Teacher's Guide


Lotería de las Sílabas

Juego de las Palabras

¡A pescar! / Go Fish! Palabras

Casa de Oraciones

Game Accessories